Wednesday, June 30, 2010

We're Backpack Designers

Hello Everyone!

Yes-it's "Old" Mrs M!! (thanks Isaac for helping me to remember that...)
As promised, I told the class I would try to post more comments. So here goes...from the Smarties...

Today was business as usual. Plenty of work to be done in our Mental Maths and Signpost Maths books. We were measuring things in our classroom, eg the length of our desk, the height of our chair, etc. We used different informal measuring tools to help us, such as our pencils and our erasers. Then it was on to Handwriting. Mrs M says our handwriting is improving all the time. We did the letter 'Ww' today. After Recess we went to Music with Mrs L, and Italian with Senora L.

At lunchtime a special parcel arrived for us. Mrs M had ordered calico backpacks for us to decorate during our Technology and Enterprise lessons in the afternoon. We watched a video featuring Chris, a designer from the Colorado Sports Company, designing a backpack. He taught us about 'ideation' - the forming of ideas. He showed us how to draw the different parts of a backpack. Then we had a go in our books. It was fun. The theme for our backpacks is 'Australia'. We drew our own designs and labelled all the different parts. On Friday we are going to draw the patterns/designs onto our calico backpacks. We can't wait. It will be so much fun. (Mrs M is going to take some photos of us working on our backpacks and put them onto the Blog.)

Tomorrow is our special party day because we filled the jar with the marbles. Mrs N will be in to share the day with us. We'll have lots more news tomorrow so until then...

From the Smarties and Mrs M


  1. Hello to all you Smarties,
    I have been hearing lots about these backpacks, Kyle has been waiting with such anticipation for them to arrive. Finally today, Hooray. I bet you are all excited about them.
    Have a fun day tomorrow.
    from Mrs J

  2. Hi Smarties...only 2 more days until holidays!! Yippee. How clever is Mrs M at the blog now, excellent job Mrs M! Have a fabulous time on Thursday, I wish I could go to work in my tracksuit and play and watch a movie, that would be a dream come true! I can't wait to see your backpacks, they sound really good. GOOOOOOOO SMARTIES!! Love Mrs H

  3. Yay! Mrs M is blogging! I'll have to teach you how to add photos next :)

    Love Mrs N

  4. Hi Mrs M and Mrs N,
    thank you for sending my backpack home with mummy. I am happy that i got a prize for the blogging chalenge.have a nice holiday. love from Minn
