Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wonderful Wednesday!

Ciao! In Italian today Senora told us about the Italian puppet play that's coming to our school next week. It's called 'Puss In Boots'. It sounds really good. Mrs L added movements to our music story in class Music today. It was fun when we had to try and copy what she did!

In Mental Maths we learnt that a numeral is a number and, in Handwriting, we practised our downward strokes using uppercase and lowercase 'i'. Mrs M says we are getting better at remembering to put spaces between our words.

Some of the class went to choir with Mrs L. Then after lunch we had Mrs M's mum and dad come to visit us. They live in Narrogin, WA.

Today's Daily Writing topic was "Describe a small animal." We decided to write them like "Who am I?" riddles. Here is some of our work.

I have two fins on each side.
I have one gill on each side.
I have one tail.
What am I?
(I'm a fish!)
By Matthew

I have fluffy ears.
I have four legs.
I have a little tail.
I am different colours.
What am I?
(I'm a puppy!)
By Caitlin

I have two pointy ears.
I have a long, furry tail.
I have three whiskers on each side.
I have paws.
What am I?
(I'm a cat!)
By Ella

Love from the Smarties and Mrs M.

1 comment:

  1. Dear The Smarties,

    What wonderful riddles! We'll try to ask our kids if they will be able to solve them. Thanks for sharing! :=)

    Your Russian friends
