Thursday, August 5, 2010

Insect Rally

In Daily Writing this morning, we watched a movie on YouTube called Insect Rally. There were no words in the movie, but it was easy to tell what the story was about. Mrs N got us to write re-tells of the story. We are learning to write beginnings, middles and endings in our writing, so we needed to write at least three sentences so we could make sure we had all the parts of the story included.

At the beginning, the bugs were all in a hurry to get to the race.The insects in the race were an ant, bee, wasp, dragonfly, fly and a snail. In the middle all the insects crashed except for the snail. At the end, the snail won because all the other insects crashed and the other snails were excited.
By Matthew

At  the beginning, there was a snail, a mosquito, a ladybird and a dragonfly. They were having a race. In the middle, they all had a crash except the snail. At the end the snail won and all the other snails came to celebrate.
By Caitlin

At the beginning, the wasp, fly, dragonfly and lady bug got ready for the race and they lined up at the starting line. In the middle, they smashed. First the dragonfly, then the wasp, then the bee and then the lady bug. At the end the snail at last got over the finishing line and won. His friends were happy.
By Indi

At the beginning the bugs practised, then they raced.The ant said "go" and the dragonfly was in the front, then the lady bug pushed him and then it fell over. In the middle, all the bugs hurried to the finish, then the bugs crashed and the snail didn't crash. At the finish, the snail won.
By Taj

At the beginning, they were having a race and the leaders of the bugs were at the start line.The ant said "go" and the bugs were bumping the dragonfly. In the middle, the wasp bumped into a rock and the fly bumped into a newspaper. At the end, the lady bug bumped into a stop sign and the snail won the race.
By Lachlan

At the beginning, there was a dragonfly and a bee and a wasp and a snail starting a race. In the middle they all crashed except the snail. At the end the snails all cheered for him.
By Joel

We've been learning about water in Science this term. Today, we went on a water walk around our school. We wanted to investigate all the places we can find water and what we do with it. We took clipboards and pencils and recorded all our observations. When we got back to class, we chose something to write about and illustrate.
Kate and Isaac's work

We made a giant list of all the ways water is used at our school. We didn't realise there were so many until we starting writing them down! Here are some of them.

At our school, we use water for:
  • washing our hands
  • washing our faces
  • watering the gardens
  • drinking
  • flushing the toilet
  • making cement for the new buildings
  • making ice packs
  • watering the grass
  • washing our paint and glue brushes
  • washing up after cooking
  • the teachers to make coffee
  • washing the dishes in the staffroom
  • washing the windows
  • wiping the tables and benches
  • cooking
  • making play dough
  • keeping flowers alive in vases
While we were looking at the hits on our blog this morning, we discovered that we'd had a LOT of visitors in the last two days. We used our calculators to do a division sum. We had 517 visitors in 2 days, so we entered 517÷2= which worked out to be 258.5 visitors per day. We were a little confused by the .5 at the end of the number, but we learned that it means "half". ½ is another way of writing it.

Yesterday, we had a try at putting little hearts in our blog posts after learning about using HTML code from our blogging friends at 2KM. ♥ We wanted to learn how to do lots more of them, so we now have a display in our classroom, with sixteen different picture codes we can use! We can't wait to try them out next time we're on our writing blog.

Wow, this was a long post today. We sure were busy bees!

Love from The Smarties and Mrs N

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