Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Counting in Noongar

Our school is located in the south-west of Australia, where the aboriginal people are called Noongar. It is also the name of their language. We've started learning some Noongar words, with the help of our Aboriginal Teacher Assistant, Mrs P. So far, we've learned how to count to ten!

 Noongar Numbers by thesmarties

one - keyen
two - koodjal
three - dambart
four - koodjal koodjal
five - maar
six - maar-keyen
seven - maar-koodjal
eight - maar-dambart
nine - maar-koodjal koodjal
ten - maar-maar

Love from The Smarties and Mrs N


  1. Wow, your counting is very impressive. Well done

  2. Hello Smarties!
    We're a blogging class too, and we love your Voki! We might borrow your idea to use it as a greeting on the front page. Your blog is great! Thanks for all the great ideas.

    Also, it sounds so hard to count in noongar! Well done for learning how.


    The Blogging Bilbies

  3. Hello Smarties!
    What a clever class you are!!! Your counting, painting and blog are wonderful. You must work very hard with your teacher to cover soOO much! It all sounds like a great deal of fun too!
    I enjoy reading about all you are learning. Thank you for updating your blog regularly, there is always something interesting to view. You have blogger friends from all over the world and another in Sydney (me!).
    Julie S

  4. (Kia Kia)Hello Smarties,

    I am a Noongar, and you guy's deserve a big pat on the back. this is such a great concept and it's helping us to keep our beautiful culture and ancient language alive for future generations. Thank you all.

